I'm going to write it here so it has to happen: I will blog more.
I've even taken specific photos on purpose just for the sake of blogging. And I haven't done it. But those photos still exist and belated posts are better than nonexistent ones. So here I am, and I've had so many blog worthy moments in the past few months that I will be blogging this week to catch up.
First things first: I graduated college! I'll miss the heck out of Massart and all the amazing things it brought to my life, but I am so excited about being a college graduate and getting started in the big world. It poured up all morning until we all walked out to our seats, so it was a bit crazy. We almost weren't allowed to walk due to the rain but we obviously protested until they let us.

I found my first 4 leaf clover a week before I graduated at my boyfriend Tom's graduation. That was a good start to the end.
Since I graduated, I went to Israel, went to NYC for the National Stationary Show & Surtex, have had my artwork begin selling at Target, turned 22, chopped off about 5 inches of hair, had a 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend Tom, and so many more little exciting moments. I can't wait to share them all.
Here's a start to something I will be better at. -b